If you can't make the YouTube live classes you can watch the replay anytime, just go the same link above, type, "Guru Mitar" in the search all my videos will pop.
Thank YOU so much for joining us.
Zoom after class let's connect grab a cup of tea and join us
Monday 4:00 pm click the link to join by computer
Call in 669 900 6833 or 346 248 7799
Meeting ID: 993 4889 8633 Password: 915174
You are the Guru
Take yourself from dark to light
I think we can all agree life is not getting easier.
Which only means we need to get stronger. It is time to awaken to our full potential.
There is a powerful source of divine energy within every human being called Kundalini. For most, this energy usually remains dormant throughout their entire life. When the Kundalini is inactive, we live incomplete, unfulfilled lives. Our understanding of the universe is restricted, and we perceive and interpret everything according to our limited capacity.
With the awakening of Kundalini, a transformation takes place in your life. It has little to do with one's moral, religious, or ethical life. It has more to do with the quality of our experience and perceptions. When Kundalini wakes up, your mind changes, and your priorities and attachments also change. You experience and see life from a different lens.

Join us for a 40-Day Journey; we will come together live virtually every day. Yep, you read that right. We are stronger together! So, roll out of bed, turn on your camera, and start your day off with a quick 30 min practice, at 6:30 am (PST)
Why so early?
Don't let the day take control of you, instead, take control of your day! Rise & Shine do your spiritual practice and see how much easier your life is.
Daily - We begin with a quick warm-up.
Set the navel point, open your creative flow, and stretch into new possibilities.
Daily - Sat Kriya "The Everything Kriya"
Stimulating and channeling the Kundalini energy, producing energy waves that circulate energize, and heal you.
Sunday we take a deep dive into Kundalini and living a yogic lifestyle.
Looking at the power of the poses, the mantra, and so much more. Along with check-in & questions
We start with Super Fullmoon Energy, go through the Summer SOULstice Energy, and end with another Super Fullmoon. Now that is a powerful 40-days!
Sat Kriya, "The Everything Kriya" one pose works for everything! "Sat Kriya's" effects are numerous. Great for centering, mental strength, and physical vitality. Sat Kriya works directly on stimulating and channeling the kundalini energy.
The rhythmic contraction and relaxation at the navel center produce energy waves that circulate, energize, and heal the body, mind, and soul. The navel is the hub for 72,000 energy centers. General physical health improves since all the internal organs receive a gentle, rhythmic massage from this exercise.
Sat Kriya Benefits:
Awakens the Kundalini Energy
Stimulate chakras and improve general physical health.
Aid digestion by stimulating the stomach and intestines.
Strengthen the heart from the rhythmic up-and-down of blood pressure
Strengthen the sexual system and channel the energy for healing and creativity.
Our mantra for this journey is Sat Nam, known as a powerful Bija (seed) mantra.
Sat means truth. Nam means name. Together, Sat Nam essentially translates into something deeper: “I am truth,” or “Truth is my essence,” or “truth my actualized identity.”
Vibrating this manta is like planting a seed that begins to germinate, grow, and blossom open. The vibration shifts you on an atomic level, initiating the journey to actualization.
40-Day Journey
June 12 - July 21
We meet DAILY
6:30 - 7:00 am Mon-Sat
6:30 - 7:30 am Sun
(Via Zoom live or recorded)
Private tools portal
Access to replays
40-day tracking calendar
PDF worksheet
And so much more
Monthly members
check your email for a
special discount code
Why a Daily Practice?
Because connecting to a daily spiritual practice gives you the strength to cut through the negativity, fears, and challenges.
This daily practice is often called Sadhana, which is a Sanskrit word that means daily spiritual practice. It's the foundation for you to make the physical, emotional, and mental shift needed to communicate with the divine inside of you and all around you.
Things you may experience as a result of committing to this 40-day journey.
Connect with your higher purpose and usher in opportunities
Break free of limited thoughts, old patterns, and behaviors
Improve memory, focus, motivation, and cognitive function
Strengthen the cardiovascular system and stamina
Strengthen your immune and nervous systems
Open your heart and experience more joy
Awaken dormant parts of the brain
Release stress and tension
Activate intuition
What if I can't make it every day?
No Problem! You can watch the replays anytime during the 40 days and for an additional 60 days after the journey.
What if I already take yoga classes?
Great! I love taking classes too! This journey is not meant to replace what you are already doing, it is meant to take you to the next level of your spiritual growth.
What if I'm scared I won't be able to do 40 days?
Something inside of you is curious and excited because you have read all the way to the bottom of this page. Listen to that inner voice. Take the first step to acting courageously, which means acting even though you may be afraid. Part of this journey is learning about your mind, your tendencies, and how to break free of fears and limiting beliefs.
What if I've never done Kundalini Yoga or Meditated?
No Problem! No previous experience is necessary. Give it a try, you won't be sorry.
Why 40 days?
We commit to 40 days to break habits that are not serving us. Because your habits define you, wouldn't it be nice to have habits that bring you joy, peace, abundance, intuition, energy, and a healthy body?
Forty days has been a significant time period for many world faiths.
Rain fell for "40 days and 40 nights" during the flood.
Jesus fasted "40 days and 40 nights."
Moses went up to Mount Sinai “40 days and 40 nights”
Lent consists of 40 days
Hinduism's, popular religious prayers consist of 40 shlokas/dohas
40 weeks is the average term of pregnancy
40 winks is the expression for a short sleep
40 hours is the average work-week
40 quarters to Social Security retirement benefits
40 spaces on the Monopoly game board
I could keep going, but I think you get the picture. There is something magical about the number 40.