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Brighten Your Halo! Magnetically Attract

6:30 - 7:00 am (PST) Mon - Sat 6:30 - 7:30 am Sunday

  • Started May 5
  • 111 US dollars
  • Zoom

Available spots

Service Description

If you can't join live daily, don't worry; everything is recorded for you to take on-demand. LUCKY TIMES AHEAD: THE BIG JUPITER SHIFT After 12 Years, Expansion Planet Jupiter Moves to Wealth Sign Taurus Brace Yourself for Growth and Prosperity! Join us as we remove the unseen barriers, outdated beliefs, and overcast thoughts that often obscure our true potential. If there was a time to focus on prosperity, it is now. Jupiter, the biggest planet in our solar system, is all about growth, expansion, truth, perspective, and wisdom. On May 1, Jupiter's position in the sky will change significantly, moving from Aries to Taurus. This event is known as "Jupiter Transit." What does this mean for you? Taurus, an Earth sign, is often associated with substantial and tangible prosperity. The ingress of Jupiter into Taurus doesn't just herald a period of enhanced growth and financial prosperity but also positive transformations in various aspects of life. Our deepest desires are not just within reach but on the horizon, waiting for us to embrace them. Join us to dispel the shadows that cloud your vision and completely renovate your old thought patterns. This is an opportunity to open your heart to the possibilities that await and transform into a Radiant, High-Vibrational Being of Light, magnetically attracting all you need and more. Gyan Chakra Kriya – Brighten Your Halo! This meditation is known as the most sacred kriya. It aligns you with the frequencies of abundance and prosperity. It will open your heart, adjust the magnetic field surrounding you, strengthen your nervous system, and awaken your vital energy so you can navigate life's challenges and turn them into opportunities. COMMIT TO YOUR WELLBEING Stop dabbling in your spiritual practice and get serious. Consistency is key to living the rich life you so desire. JOURNEY OUTLINE: SUNDAYS—We will dive deeper into the power of Kundalini Yoga and the yogic lifestyle, sprinkling a bit of spiritual psychology. DAILY - We begin with a quick warm-up & Sat Kriya "The Everything Kriya" one pose works for everything! • Awakens the Kundalini energy • Improve general physical health • Strengthen the heart Just 30 min a day, and for less than $3 a day. YOU ARE WORTH IT! Monthly Members check your email for your discount code.

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Contact Details

+ 310-439-8194


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