If you can't make the YouTube live classes you can watch the replay anytime, just go the same link above, type, "Guru Mitar" in the search all my videos will pop.
Thank YOU so much for joining us.
Zoom after class let's connect grab a cup of tea and join us
Monday 4:00 pm click the link to join by computer
Call in 669 900 6833 or 346 248 7799
Meeting ID: 993 4889 8633 Password: 915174
You are the Guru
Take yourself from dark to light

40 Day Journey
Feb 14 - Mar 25
Kundalini Yoga
9:00 - 10:30 am
7 Classes
(Via Zoom live or recorded)
Daily Meditation
(you will do this on your own)
Access to replays
40-day tracking calendar
Facebook Community
Breathwork Soundbath Feb 28th
During these uncertain times, it's more important than ever to connect with daily spiritual practice it will give the strength to cut through the negativity, fears, challenges, and exceed your own expectations. This daily practice is often called Sadhana which is a Sanskrit word that means daily spiritual practice. It's the foundation for you to make the physical, emotional, and mental shift that is needed to communicate with the divine inside of you and all around you. You are invited to join us for an inspiring 40-day journey of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation to recognize your own magnificence and bring joy, peace, abundance, intuition, energy, and a healthy body back into your life.
Our time together will have two main parts:
1. We will meet twice each week as a group virtually, we are stronger together.
Each week's yoga practice will change, the theme Courage & Fearlessness.
(All sessions will be recorded, you can attend these classes live or set aside some time that works for you and watch the replay)
2. Daily meditation (your Sadhana) Opening to Prosperity.
(You will do the meditation each day on your own)
Prosperity means we are living in accordance with our highest self, serving in the world with grace & ease. Everyone's service to the world is important whether you are a teacher, doctor, mother, father, accountant, writer, cashier, police officer, or web developer your role is important to the world. When we are in full alignment with who we are and serving from that place, money comes easily as a tool to continue serving.
What are the energetic fields that affect prosperity? The arcline, the aura, and the heart center. They can all become weak due to lack of meditation, lack of daily energy balancing practices, limited thinking patterns, sudden shocks, too much stimulation, and overuse of technology.
Our arcline is our “halo”, an energetic center that is associated with the third eye and the field around the third eye that surrounds our head. It is from this center we create our reality, we are able to “see” with our third eye what we need to see to create opportunities that serve our higher self. If this energetic field is out of balance we can not think and see clearly, what needs to be done.
The aura is an energetic field that lives two to nine feet around our physical body. When our aura is strong and in balance, we are like a magnet for all that brings joy into our life. If it’s out of balance, we become a sponge attracting and absorbing negative energy causing us to feel depressed and tired.
Our heart has an electromagnetic field around it that is extremely powerful, said to be 60 times greater than the amplitude of the electrical activity of the brain. When this field is strong, we are joyful, affectionate, kind, in service to the whole of humanity. We easily attract opportunities. If it is off-balance, we live in our heads.
Things you may experience as a result of committing 40 days to you:
● Connect with your higher purpose and usher in opportunities
● Break free of limited thoughts, old patterns, and behaviors
● Improve memory, focus, motivation, and cognitive function
● Strengthen the cardiovascular system and stamina
● Strengthen your immune and nervous system
● Open your heart and experience more joy
● Awaken dormant functions of the brain
● Release and reduce stress and tension
● Activate your pituitary gland and intuition
I'm not going to sugar coat this, in the beginning, it will be easy because you are excited about this new experience. At some point, you will be met with resistance, you will be confronting your ego and subconscious blocks. Basically you will come up against the stuff that is holding you back in life, that is the magic of 40 days.
You are a Spiritual Being With Unlimited Potential
The mind and ego are very tricky and will come up with all kinds of excuses to try and keep you from doing what you say you want to do. Yes, this is a part of spiritual growth.
This 40-day journey is designed to assist you in understanding your tendency, move you through your blocks, and your own limiting beliefs. Don't worry I'm going to share with you many tools to assist you through this deep inner journey.
Let your Inner Light and Radiance Be the Guiding Light.
40 Day Devotion
Aug 16 - Sept 27
Additional date added
Kundalini Yoga
9:00 - 10:30 am
(Sun & Wed) 13 Classes
(Via Zoom live or recorded)
Daily Meditation
(you will do this on your own)
Access to replays
40-day tracking calendar
Accountability Partners
FaceBook Community
Special Pricing
If you would like to pay with a check send me an email
What if I can't make it to class at 9 am on Sunday & Wednesday?
No Problem! You can watch the replays anytime during the 40 days.
What if I only want to join classes and not meditate every day?
That is totally fine, you get to decided what level of participation your want to commit to.
What if I already take yoga classes?
This is great! I love taking classes also, this 40-day Meditation journey is not meant to replace what you are already doing, it meant to take you to the level of your spiritual growth.
What if I'm scared I won't be able to do 40 days of meditation?
Something inside of you is also curious and excited because you have read all the way to the bottom, listen to that inner voice. Take the first step to acting courageously, which means acting even though you may be afraid. Part of this journey is learning about your mind, your tendency, and how to break free of fears, limiting beliefs and rise above the occasion, and let your inner royalty and radiance shine.
What if I've never done Kundalini Yoga?
No Problem! No previous experience is necessary. Kundalini Yoga is a practice that meets you where you are at, and takes you where you want to go. If you practice from another school of yoga, we encourage you to give Kundalini Yoga a try you won't be sorry.
Why 40 days?
In the Kundalini tradition, we commit to 40 days to break habits that are not serving us. Because your habits define you wouldn't it be nice to have habits that bring you joy, peace, abundance, intuition, energy, and a healthy body.
Forty days isn't just in the Kundalini Yoga world, historically it's been a significant time period for many world faiths.
Rain fell for "forty days and forty nights" during the flood
Jesus fasted "forty days and forty nights"
Mose “forty days and forty nights” on Mount Sinai
Lent consists of 40 days
Hinduism, popular religious prayers consist of forty shlokas/dohas
40 weeks is the average term of pregnancy
40 winks is the expression for a short sleep
40 hours is the average workweek
40 quarters to Social Security retirement benefits
40 runners is maximum for Grand National Horse Race
40 spaces on the Monopoly
Negative forty is the unique temperature at which the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales correspond; that is, −40 °F = −40 °C. It is referred to as either "minus forty" or "forty below".
40-yard dash, America’s Top 40, and of course Rick Dee’s Weekly Top 40
I could keep going but I think you get the picture, there is something magical about the number forty